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FNF vs Xigmund (Martian Mixtape) v3

FNF vs Xigmund (Martian Mixtape) v3 – Mod with a massive narrative.

FNF vs Xigmund (Martian Mixtape) v3 is a mod with an enthralling plot. The mod is set in a world where the Earth is invaded by an extraterrestrial figure.

FNF vs Xigmund (Martian Mixtape) v3 introduces a new alien with green skin and black eyes. The narrative begins when BF and GF are wandering through the forest together when they come to see a spaceship landing nearby, next to an extraterrestrial figure named Xigmund. This is one of the Friday Night Funkin mods with a very extensive plot, and you must fight Xigmund for weeks while listening to a variety of interesting tunes.

According to the designer, the combat in FNF vs Xigmund (Martian Mixtape) v3 is separated into 5 weeks, with each week featuring three distinct songs from various genres. This generates a diversity of melodies, preventing players from becoming bored by having to replay the same old melody over and over. Aside from having a wonderful look, this FNF Mods mod also changes the fight scenario based on different tunes.

FNF vs Xigmund (Martian Mixtape) v3 can now be downloaded and installed with the author’s permission. Simply follow the instructions on the FNF Mods website, and one of the greatest Friday Night Funkin mods will be added to your library.

Original FNF Credit:

  • ninja_muffin99 – Programming
  • PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
  • kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC
  • Kade Dev – Kade Engine
  • AND everyone that contributed to the github source.

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