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FNF vs Wah

FNF vs Wah – Scary Wal-specific mod!

Friday Night Funkin vs Wah is a mod in which you play as Mario. This mod, in particular, offers a big number of new characters.

About game

FNF vs Wah .The animations are impressive at first glance. Wah is a scarier version of Waluigi, the iconic Mario Bros Games character, and we’re delighted he’s making his debut in the genre; we’re sure Boyfriend will have a lot of fun fighting against him.

You’ll feel as though you’re watching an animated movie on TV since every detail and situation has been precisely designed. If you’ve played the other modifications in the Friday Night Funkin Mods series, you’ll love this one even more because the differences are so noticeable.

Everything from the background to the music, the characters, and even the slightest detail may provide the ultimate experience for the gamer. As a result, you may enjoy FNF vs Wah as if it were a high-end 3D game.

According to the game’s designer, the capability of this mod is likewise extremely limited. As a result, you can instantly download this mod and play it anytime you want on your mobile device. This Friday Night Funkin PC is perfect for your laptop and will keep you entertained for hours. So, if you enjoy FNF Online, don’t pass this one up.

Original FNF Credits:

  • ninja_muffin99 – Programming
  • PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
  • kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC
  • AND everyone that contributed to the github source.


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