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FNF vs Suicide Mouse Remastered

FNF vs Suicide Mouse Remastered is several of the best horror mods for. Suicidemouse is a creature everyone is always associated with.

About the game

FNF vs Suicide Mouse Remastered is the latest FNF Mods release. This mod has more Mickey Mouse emotions. The most disturbing element of the mod is that when Suicidemouse becomes enraged, his visage and voice change dramatically, and his scream may torment many individuals.

Additionally, you must remain extremely vigilant while learning the game, because if you lose your security, he will take advantage of it to quickly annihilate you. Because the UI is black and white, the FNF vs Suicide Mouse Remastered mod is more frightening.

Aside from the fact that now the gothic literature looks to be picky, Friday Night Funkin players are likely to flock to this mod. FNF Online players who have been participating for a long period of time and appreciate the subgenre will love this mod.

How to play

FNF can be played online on the web or offline on your PC. The download link is right below. The game is supported on Windows, MAC, and Android.

Press the Space bar and Enter to begin the first configurations. Then, you can use WASD or arrows to make movements in Vs Suicide Mouse Remastered mod. Press Enter to pause the game.


Spacebar and Enter

Arrows or WASD for controlling

Original FNF Credits:

  • ninja_muffin99 – Programming
  • PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
  • kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC
  • AND everyone that contributed to the GitHub source.

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