FNF vs Kissy Missy (Poppy Playtime)
FNF vs Kissy Missy (Poppy Playtime) renders a musical fun time in the horror world of Kissy Missy. You will experience new mixes of songs and challenges.
FNF vs Kissy Missy (Poppy Playtime) throws you in rhythm battles of Kissy Missy and Poppy in full pink. This adorable version of Poppy is more appealing plus the ear-catching sound surely promises non-stop attraction to the game.
Featuring in FNF vs Kissy Missy (Poppy Playtime) are songs mixed brand-new, including Kissy, Lovely, and Playtime (free play). Not only is the sound beaty, but also the non-lyrics rap sung by the characters. Poppy sounds in a low pitch, more like a boy, while Kissy Missy in high peak but completely pleasant to the ears.
Along with their rap is the movements that make the musical battle more realistic and unbored.
Like most games in Friday Night Funkin Mods, this one’s gameplay is with 4 arrows Up, Down, Left, Right. The higher level, the more arrows, and speed the challenge gets. You will need to catch up with speed to match the arrow and score more than your opponent. The bar at the bottom of the screen will show if you are out beating the player.
You will need to complete the challenge in the FNF Online to win the girlfriend who is sitting and watching on the speakers.
Original FNF Credit:
- ninja_muffin99 – Programming
- PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
- kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC
- AND everyone that contributed to the github source.