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FNF Corruption Takeover

FNF Corruption Takeover – Dark Identity in this version of the music game.

FNF Corruption Takeover, with many new innovations and styles, is just what you need to find the greatest FNF games. You’ll be overjoyed when you get it on your computer.

FNF Corruption Takeover is regarded as one of the funniest Friday Night Funkin Mods because of its plot. You’ll be on a quest, and as you explore, you’ll both come upon Entity 99, a clown doll who, although acting like a marionette, commands the whole level.

At first, the scenario in which you compete is a little room that does not appear terrifying, but as the tracks go, the terror is exposed, from the surroundings to the characters changing to become much more frightening. But keep in mind that everything will be enjoyable, so don’t take things too seriously since this is a musical adventure that will constantly provide you with moments of entertainment. Despite the fact that it is simply a brief mod of FNF Online, it is sophisticated enough just to win over any decent gamer. 

FNF Corruption Takeover is becoming incredibly common; you must participate as early as possible to enjoy the wonderful atmosphere of this patch. Then you’ll be inspired to try out some of the other fantastic modifications for the Friday Night Funkin music game. Ideally, you’ll be pleased with our new mod!

Original FNF Credit:

  • ninja_muffin99 – Programming
  • PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
  • kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC
  • AND everyone that contributed to the github source.

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