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FNF vs Fishy

FNF vs Fishy will provide you with a more enjoyable game time period. You must combat a goldfish with a loudspeaker in the pet store inside the modification.

About the game

FNF vs Fishy is a unique mod in FNF Mods that might provide you with an entirely new experience. Because the figure you’ll be fighting this time is little, but nearby is a big fish, you’ll have to be creative. After defeating a few other opponents, BF decided to visit a pet shop, where he encountered a fish with a dialog window.

As a result, the fish may communicate with the BF and engage him in a rap battle in the FNF vs Fishy mod. The setting in this mode of Friday Night Funkin is quite simple, and it correctly depicts a pet store. Although this is a minor mod, it includes up to three pieces of music to add to the thrill and drama of the combat.

The FNF vs Fishy mod is so popular that hundreds of gamers are aware of it and have tried it out on the FNF Online website. This page contains all of the mod’s documentation as well as installation procedures. Nevertheless, before installing this mod, make sure your device is up to date.

How to play

FNF can be played online on the web or offline on your PC. The download link is right below. The game is supported on Windows, MAC, and Android.

Press the Space bar and Enter to begin the first configurations. Then, you can use WASD or arrows to make movements in mod. Press Enter to pause the game.


Spacebar and Enter

Arrows or WASD for controlling

Original FNF Credits:

  • ninja_muffin99 – Programming
  • PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
  • kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC
  • Kade Dev – Kade Engine
  • AND everyone that contributed to the github source.

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