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FnF vs Solazar (Fan-Made)

FnF vs Solazar (Fan-Made) will whisk you away to a wonderful land. This is where you’ll start all of your game tasks. Take pleasure with whatever comes your way!

About the game

FnF vs Solazar (Fan-Made) is one of the nicest modes we have. You could become the president of your town with this mod. You must fight your foe in order to maintain your way of life in this region. And they’ll show up on a regular basis, so you better be ready.

There will be some new features in this FnF vs Solazar (Fan-Made) that you may find interesting. We’ll give you “GodRays” to play with for this adventure. Each would transport you to a different part of town.

Because FNF Mods will support your game, there will be no glitches. You can obtain more games from them if you go to our Friday Night Funkin page.

This tournament’s plot is unfinished. You’ll be seen as the start or the finish of it. You only got one chance to get it out alive, Feverish!

There are two degrees of difficulty in FNF Online. You will be able to pick your choice once the game begins. We will try to provide you with a new game every week you play this game.

Original FNF Credits:

  • ninja_muffin99 – Programming
  • KadeDev – Kade Engine – Programming
  • PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
  • kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC
  • AND everyone that contributed to the github source.

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