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Friday Night Funkin vs Onek

Friday Night Funkin vs Onek – Fight a hard working beaver.

Friday Night Funkin vs Onek is a good mod if you are looking for something new. The mod will introduce you to one more special character, the Onek beaver.

About Game

Friday Night Funkin vs Onek is considered as one of the funniest mods in Friday Night Funkin Mods due to its unique narrative. To show this is BF’s home, you will engage in a rap war with an Onek beaver right in front of his house. This thrilling combat will be accompanied by four thrilling songs: Onek, Rodent, Two Small, and Hungry.

The creator has put a lot of effort into the creation of the Friday Night Funkin vs Onek mod, so it has an attractive color scheme, a streamlined structure, and the characters are drawn in a very precise and detailed manner. The mod’s difficulty level is medium, making it acceptable for practically all gamers. Remember, this is a joyful music game, so please join the FNF Mods mod with the best mood you can muster.

The Friday Night Funkin vs Onek mod is becoming increasingly popular, with more participants in Friday Night Funkin Mods becoming aware of it. You should join the mod as soon as possible so that you may join in on the enjoyment of the other gamers. After finishing, you will be exposed to additional intriguing mods to try in FNF Mods.

Original FNF Credit:

  • ninja_muffin99 – Programming
  • KadeDev – Programming
  • PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
  • kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC

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